Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Starting Out

I have been writing and taking photographs in fits and starts since I was a child. Somewhere along the way, my photography and my writing became hobbies. Shortly after that, they became my twin obsessions and loves.

Now I want to make a living, doing what I love.

This blog will serve as a testament to my journey of a lifetime. I'm setting out on this odyssey to make a living by two things: my lens and my pen. What you will see here is the photographic side of the journey. For my writing side, you will need to travel to my writing blog

Let the voyage commence!

The above photograph was taken last December inside the California State Capitol Building. I converted to B&W and added the border and text in post.

The photograph on the left was also taken in December 2008 on the same trip to California. It is part of Mission San Miguel in central California. I used a polarized lens to deepen the blue of the sky. I added the border and text in post.

I took many photographs on this two week trip up and down California. I shot architecture, landscapes and portraits. There were so many incredible things to capture.

I shot with two cameras on this trip; the first was a point and shoot Epson 810 and the second was a Canon XSi.

Both of these photos came from the Canon.

More to come!

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